Class I’s Love Focused Technology Solutions’ SpikeEase

The Marmon/Berkshire Hathaway Company’s successful first quarter of 2020 continues.


Hackettstown, NJ — Focused Technology Solutions, Inc.—a Marmon/Berkshire Hathaway Company— is pleased to announce that their flagship product, the SpikeEase, continues to receive significant interest—and sales—from Class I railroads.

Customers have reported an increase in productivity, as the tool pulls spikes in just three-to-seven seconds, requires zero setup time and needs just one worker to operate.

“The SpikeEase is so well received in the industry because it solves many problems rail workers face on the job,” Jeannine Dash, FTS’ Operations Manager, said. “Our tool helps rail workers be more productive while keeping them safe and making their jobs easier.”

The SpikeEase is the first battery-operated and hydraulic-free spike puller on the market.  For more information on the SpikeEase click here.


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